| ![]() It includes appropriate sec-
groups of nuclear safety criteria.
tions from the SRP, NRC Information Notices and Bulletins,
NUREGs, and other documents specified in the NRC criteria.
Although these sources do not always specify requirements, they
provide interpretations of the criteria, as well as methods
specified by the NRC or considered acceptable to the NRC for
implementing and satisfying the pertinent NRC criteria.
Recognizing the unique features and characteristics
associated with many DOE reactors, Chapter 10 was expanded to
include experimental facilities as well as the steam- and power-
conversion systems that are specified in Regulatory Guide 1.70.
As a result of the TMI-2 accident, human factors criteria were
added to the SRP.
Although Regulatory Guide 1.70 has not been
revised to include such criteria, Chapter 18 of this document
identifies human factors criteria specified in the SRP.
This section compiles the criteria that address the
need, preparation, and revision of a safety analysis report
(SAR); such criteria are not included in the areas of nuclear
Criteria are also identified whose
safety addressed in a SAR.
methods of implementation may affect the preparation of various
sections of a SAR, particularly for new reactors.
Code of Federal Regulations
Commission Interim Policy Statement, "Nuclear Power
Plant Accident Considerations Under the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969," 45 FR 40101, June 13, 1980.
Commission Policy Statements.
"Systematic Safety Evaluation of Operating
Nuclear Power Reactors, " 49 FR 45112, November 15, 1984.
"Severe Reactor Accidents Regarding Future
Designs and Existing Plants," 50 FR 32138, August 8, 1985.
"Safety Goals for the Operation of Nuclear
Power Plants," 51 FR 30028, August 21, 1986.
"Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants," 53 FR
9430, March 23, 1988
"Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants," 53 FR
50611, December 8, 1989.
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