| DOE-STD-101-92
3. ANSI/IEEE 338-1987, "IEEE Standard Criteria
for the Periodic Testing of Nuclear Power Generating Station
Class lE Power and Protection Systems."
4. ANSI/IEEE 379-1988, "IEEE Standard for the
Application of the Single Failure Criterion to Nuclear Power Gen-
erating Station Safety Systems."
5. ANSI/IEEE 384-1981, "IEEE Standard Criteria
for Independence of Class lE Equipment and Circuits."
6. ANSI/IEEE 420-1982, "IEEE Standard for the
Design and Qualification of Class lE Control Boards, Panels, and
Racks Used in Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
7. ANSI/IEEE 450-1987, "IEEE Recommended Practice
for Maintenance, Testing and Replacement of Large Lead Storage
Batteries for Generating Stations and Substations."
8. ANSI/IEEE 484-1987, "IEEE Recommended Practice
for Installation Design and Installation of Large Lead Storage
Batteries for Generating Stations and Substations.
9. ANSI/IEEE 690-1984, "IEEE Standard for Design
and Installation of Cable Systems for Class lE Circuits in
Nuclear Power Generating Stations."
10. ANSI/IEEE 741-1986, "IEEE Standard Criteria
for the Protection of Class 1E Power Systems and Equipment in
Nuclear Power Generating Stations."
11. ANSI/IEEE 749-1983, "IEEE Standard for Peri-
odic Testing of Diesel-Generator Units Applied as Standby Power
Supplies at Nuclear Power Generating Stations."
12. ANSI/IEEE 946-1985, "IEEE Standard for the
Design of Safety-Related DC Auxiliary Power Systems for Nuclear
Power Generating Stations."
Nonsafety Class Electric Power Systems.
ANSI C2-1990, "National Electric Safety Code."
2. ANSI/IEEE 141-1986, "IEEE Recommended Practice
for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants (Red
3. ANSI/IEEE 142-1982, "IEEE Recommended Practice
for Grounding of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (Green
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