| DOE-STD-101-92
4. ANSI/IEEE 241-1983, "IEEE Recommended Practice
for Electric Power Systems in Commercial Buildings (Gray Book)."
5. ANSI/IEEE 242-1986, "IEEE Recommended Practice
for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial
Power Systems (Buff Book)."
6. ANSI/IEEE 399-1980, "IEEE Recommended Practice
for Power System Analysis (Brown Book)."
7. ANSI/IEEE 446-1987, "IEEE Recommended Practice
for Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial and Com-
mercial Applications (Orange Book)."
8. ANSI/IEEE 493-1980, "IEEE Recommended Practice
for Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power Systems
(Gold Book)."
ANSI/NFPA 70-1990, "National Electric Code."
Supplementary Information
Safety Class Electric Power Systems.
1. NUREG/CR-5051, "Detecting and Mitigating Bat-
tery Charger and Inverter Aging," Gunther, W.E., Lewis, R., and
Subudhi, M., Brookhaven National Laboratory, August 1988.
2. NUREG/CR-4659, "Seismic Fragility of Nuclear
Power Plant Components (Phase II)," Brookhaven National
Laboratory, February 1990.
3. NUREG/CR-4564, "Operating Experience and Aging
- Seismic Assessment of Battery Chargers and Inverters," Gunther,
W.E., Subudhi, M., and Taylor, J.H., Brookhaven National
Laboratory, June 1986.
4. NUREG/CR-4457 , "Aging of Class lE Batteries in
Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Plants," Edson, J.L. and Hardin,
J.E., EG&G Idaho Inc., July 1987.
5. NUREG/CR-4156, "Operating Experience and Aging
- Seismic Assessment of Electric Motors," Subudhi, M., Burns,
E.L., and Taylor, J.H., Brookhaven National Laboratory, June
6. NUREG/CR-4099, "Age-Related Degradation of
Naturally-Aged Class 1E Battery Cells," Bonzon, L.L., Janis,
W.J., and Bellamy, G., Sandia National Laboratory, April 1986.
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