| DOE-STD-101-92
18. NUREG/CR-1489, "Best Estimate Method vs.
Evaluation Method: A Comparison of Two Techniques in Evaluating
Seismic Analysis and Design," Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, July 1980.
19. NUREG/CR-1429, "Seismic Review Table," Brook-
haven National Laboratory, May 1980.
20. EGG-M-10085, "Structural Performance of the
DOE's Idaho National Engineering Laboratory During the 1983 Borak
Peak Earthquake," Guenzler, R.C. et al., Idaho National Engineer-
ing Laboratory, 1985.
21. LA-UR-85-725,
"Seismic Tests on Models of
Reinforced Concrete Category I Buildings," Dove, R.C. et al., L o s
Alamos National Laboratory, 1985.
22. CERL-TR-M-114 , "Guidelines for Developing
Design Earthquake Response Spectra," Hays, W.W., Army Construc-
tion Engineering Research Laboratory, U.S. Geological Survey,
June 1975.
23. IE Bulletin 79-14, Rev. 1, "Seismic Analysis
for As-Built Safety-Related Piping Systems," USNRC.
Facility Specific
UCRL-52159, "Evaluation of Methods for Seismic
A n a l y s i s of Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing and Fabrication
Facilities," Arthur, D.F., et al., Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, February 1978.
UCRL-51928, "Evaluation Methods for Seismic
Analysis of Mixed-Oxide Fabrication Plants," Tokay, F. J. et al.,
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 1975.
Criteria for concrete and steel Category I structures
are identified in this section.
Code of Federal Regulations
10 CFR 50.59, "Changes, Tests, and Experiments."
10 CFR 50, Appendix F, "Policy Relating to the
Siting of Fuel Reprocessing Plants and Related Waste Management
10 CFR 60.130, "Scope of Design Criteria for the
Geologic Repository Operations Area."
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