| DOE-STD-101-92
6. NUREG/CR-3805, "Engineering Characterization
of Ground Motion," Chang, C.Y. et al., Woodward-Clyde Consul-
tants, February 1986.
7. NUREG/CR-4328, "Probability Based Load Com-
bination Criteria for Design of Shear Wall Structures," Hwang, H.
et al., Brookhaven National Laboratory, January 1986.
8. NUREG/CR-4293, "Reliability Analysis of Shear
Wall Structures," Wang, P.C. et al., Brookhaven National
Laboratory, January 1986.
9. NUREG/CR-4182, "Verification of Soil Structure
Interaction Methods," Miller, C.A. et al., Brookhaven National
Laboratory, July 1985.
10. BNL-NUREG-36473, "Procedure for Determining
the SSE Response from the OBE Response," Curreri, J., Brookhaven
National Laboratory, 1985.
11. NUREG/CR-2077, "Uncertainty in Soil-Structure
Interaction Analysis Arising from Differences in Analytical Tech-
niques," Maslenikov, O.R. et al., Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, November 1983.
12. NUREG-0967, "Seismic Hazard Review for the
Systematic Evaluation Program - A Use of Probability in Decision
Making," Reiter, L. and Jackson, R.E., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, March 1983.
13. NUREG/CR-2236, "Seismic Resistance Capacity
Evaluation of Spent Fuel Storage Racks and Fuel at West Valley
New York," Johnson, N.E. et al., Science Applications Interna-
tional Corp., December 1981.
14. NUREG/CR-2451, "Behavior Model for Reinforced
Concrete Panels Under Cyclic Shear," Tseng, T. et al., Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology, December 1981.
15. NUREG/CR-2310, "Seismic Response of Nonlinear
Systems," Endebrock, E. and Dove, R., Los Alamos National
Laboratory, October 1981.
16. NUREG/CR-1582, "Seismic Hazard Analysis,"
Bernreuter, D.L., Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, October
17. NUREG/CR-1752, "Simulating and Analyzing
Artificial Non-Stationary Earthquake Ground Motion," Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory, November 1980.
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