| ![]() DOE-STD-1012-92
prevented or has been made. The instructor should correct improper actions without
belittling the individual. The trainee will usually know what he/she did wrong, and very
little correction should be necessary. The instructor should be patient and provide positive
comments on the trainee's initial efforts.
The instructor should schedule sufficient time to allow for trainee practice.
Depending on the difficulty a trainee is having performing a task, the instructor may have to
schedule additional training and practice at a later date. The time to identify and correct
errors is during the training rather than the performance test.
The OJT guide should specify the degree of supervision that is required when the
trainee practices under supervision. Facility procedures and the degree of hazard or
complexity of the task should be the overriding factor in this requirement. In both of the
following cases the instructor supervises the trainee, but the degree of supervision is
Controlled--The instructor closely supervises the trainee. The trainee works at his/her
own pace but the instructor is always ready to stop him/her to prevent or correct
Independent--The instructor allows the trainee to practice the task at his/her own pace
following the demonstration. This method has limited usefulness for facility operators
but may work quite well in a shop or laboratory environment. The instructor closely
supervises the trainee the first time he/she practices the task and then allows the trainee
to practice independently, periodically checking and coaching as necessary.
Regardless of the method used, the end result should be sufficient trainee practice to
develop proficiency in task performance (i.e., performance satisfies the learning objectives).
4.6 Conclusion
The conclusion of the training phase of OJT usually consists of three important
elements. The first element is a summary of the training and is the last "T" of effective
training, "tell them what you told them." The summary consists of a review of the learning
objectives and the task steps. The instructor should make positive comments and praise what
the trainee did well. This should be done even during review of an area in which the trainee
had difficulty. However, it is equally important to discuss the areas in which the trainee had
difficulty, because suggestions for ways to improve specific difficulties is also important
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