| ![]() DOE-STD-1012-92
4.2 Introduction Step
The instructor needs to put the trainee at ease. It is natural for a trainee to be
somewhat nervous at first, especially if this is the first contact with the instructor. Time
spent putting the trainee at ease will normally be time well spent. A relaxed trainee will be
much more receptive to the OJT process.
The instructor should motivate or arouse the trainee's interest in the training session.
The better the instructor performs this task, the more successful training will be. An adult
likes to see a direct link between his/her job and the skills and knowledge presented during
the training. To help to establish this link, the trainee needs answers to the following
What's in it for me (WIIFM)?
Why do I need to learn this?
When will I use this information?
How will I use this information?
The trainee should understand the terminal and enabling learning objectives. The
instructor should state and discuss the objectives with the trainee to ensure that the trainee
understands the required performance, how well it should be performed, and under what
The instructor should provide the trainee with the first "T" of effective training, "tell
them what you are going to tell them." The instructor should present an overview of the
task that stresses not only what will be learned, but how it will be presented. This process
may also help to tie this training into previous or future training. The instructor should make
sure the trainee understands that he/she can ask questions anytime during the training. The
overview should be brief and stress safety measures and compliance to procedures.
The instructor should continue to stress safety while establishing the "ground rules"
regarding how he/she intends to conduct the training. Explain under what circumstances you
will interrupt to demonstrate if needed and under what circumstances you will stop the
evolution if personnel or equipment safety concerns arise. The instructor should stress that
while performing OJT, facility procedures (administrative, operations, maintenance,
radiological, etc.) will be adhered to at all times. These include procedural compliance
requirements, industrial safety, lockout and tagout requirements, etc.
The instructor should find out what the trainee already knows about the particular job
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