| ![]() DOE-STD-1012-92
OJT guides should not contain copies of facility procedures. Rather, they should
reference the appropriate procedures and provide the instructor with guidance to enhance the
learning process. This practice helps ensure that the system/facility is operated only with
approved procedures (which adds realism to the training), rather than with training materials,
and will minimize revisions to the OJT guide as facility procedures are revised.
OJT guides should be prepared by instructional technologists with the assistance of the
OJT instructor serving as the subject matter expert (SME). They should be reviewed by an
additional SME who was not directly involved in their development, and should be approved
prior to use by supervisory members of the training staff and the work group for which the
training was developed.
There are numerous factors which can have a significant influence on a trainee's
learning and motivation during the OJT process. Instructional technologists should use these
factors as they develop OJT guides. Appendix C discusses learning and motivation as they
apply to OJT.
There are many OJT guide formats that could be successfully used for on-the-job
training. They normally consist of a cover page, a body, and a conclusion.
The cover page should provide the instructor with the following information:
Task title, number, and estimated time to complete the training
Tools, materials, equipment, and references required
Safety precautions and procedural limitations
Reference to relevant facility procedures, facility conditions, and whose permission is
Terminal and enabling objectives
Trainee prerequisites
Notes to the instructor--guidance/suggestions
OJT guide review and approval signature(s).
The body is the blueprint for the instructional process and is comprised of the
following major sections:
Practice under supervision.
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