| ![]() DOE-STD-1021-93
(i.e., DOE 5481.1B, DOE 5480.5, and DOE 5480.6) were: (i) Low Hazard, (ii) Moderate Hazard, and (iii)
High Hazard.
DOE Order 5480.23, Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports (Reference 2), issued in April 1992, required that
DOE nuclear facilities undergo safety analyses and evaluation for all plant operating, accident, and extreme
environmental conditions, including NPH. It required categorization of nuclear facilities into Hazard
Category 1, 2, or 3, on the basis of consequences of unmitigated release of radioactive materials.1 The
definition of safety class SSCs is given in DOE 5480.30 (Nuclear Reactor Safety Design Criteria,
Reference 4).
DOE Order 5480.28 established policy and requirements for NPH mitigation for DOE facilities. It
required that the adequacy of SSCs comprising a facility must be defined based on target performance
goals, and that the performance goals must be selected by considering the consequences of SSC
damage/failure using a "graded approach." Accordingly, it required that, for the purpose of NPH design
and evaluation, SSCs be placed in one of five performance categories, and established numerical
performance goals as "aiming points" for each performance category. These numerical performance goals
were the same as in UCRL-15910. A fifth category (Category 0) was added in DOE 5480.28 for SSCs
that do not require NPH design, DOE-STD-1021-93 was developed to provide criteria and guidelines for
assigning one of these five performance categories to SSCs using SSC safety classification and facility
hazard categorization/classification data generated by or available from activities related to DOE Order
5480.23 and DOE-STD-1027-92 (or equivalent for non-nuclear hazardous facilities).
Subsequently, in 1994, DOE-STD-3009 (Reference 12) was issued to provide guidance for complying with
DOE 5480.23. In 1995, DOE Order 420.1, along with its Guides, was issued. Since these documents
provided key information and policy guidance for NPH performance categorization, this revision of DOE-
STD-1021 was necessary. This standard provides revised guidelines for assigning SSCs to NPH
performance categories that are integrated with the safety analysis process. The hierarchy for application
of the NPH documents is: DOE Order 420.1, followed by the NPH Guide for DOE Order 420.1 (DOE G
420.1-2), and then the DOE NPH standards.
Although DOE-STD-3009-94 (CHG-1) and the SAR process it describes are specifically applicable to
non-reactor nuclear facilities, it is DOE's intention to apply DOE-STD-3009-94 (CHG-1) definitions for
"safety-class" and "safety-significant" SSCs to nuclear reactors and all hazardous facilities, and this
broader application is implemented here.
Figure 1-1 conceptually shows the relationship of NPH performance categorization of SSCs to safety
analysis activities and NPH design requirements.
It should be noted that DOE 5480.23 stated that an analysis and categorization is to be
performed on "processes, operations, or activities," and not necessarily whole facilities. Accident
analysis identifies the physical relationships among the SSC and the release mechanisms for
selected sequences.
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