| ![]() DOE-STD-1021-93
Throughout this document, the terms "higher" performance category and "lower" performance category are
used. These terms refer to categories with more stringent or less stringent NPH mitigation requirements,
respectively. As defined in the NPH Implementation Guide to DOE Order 420.1, performance categories
range from 0 to 4 in order of increasingly stringent NPH mitigation and performance requirements and with
decreasing values of annual probability of exceedance of acceptable behavior limits.
Organization of the Document
This standard has been developed and organized as an aid to the engineers and DOE facility managers who
have the responsibility for selecting performance categories of SSCs per the NPH Guide for DOE Order
420.1 (DOE G 420.1-2).
Section 2 provides the criteria for selecting performance categories of SSCs. Section 3 presents
recommended general procedures for systematic application of these criteria. This section also provides
discussions and examples which will enable the user to understand and interpret the criteria correctly and
easily. Section 4 lists the references cited.
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