| ![]() DOE-STD-1021-93
Basic Categorization Guidelines
The basic categorization guidelines are summarized in the flow chart shown in Figure 2-1 and
described in the following paragraphs category by category. The guidelines presented here
assume that the hazard categorization/classification, accident analyses, and identification of
safety-class and safety-significant systems for facilities that store, handle, or process
radioactive and toxic materials have been performed and documented in accordance with
applicable DOE Orders and standards as listed in Subsection 2.2 and the requirements of
Subsection 2.3 above. It is also assumed that the mission and functional/performance
requirements of SSCs in facilities not covered by the above-referenced DOE Orders/standards
are known, or have been determined.
The application of the basic categorization guidelines presented here will establish the
preliminary performance category of SSCs. The preliminary performance category may not
account for system interactions, if any, that are described in Subsection 2.5 below, but shall
account for common-cause failure effects as discussed in Paragraph 2.3(c) above. It is to be
noted that the hazard categorization is based on a method for assessing risk from potential
hazards and follows the graded approach discussed in the NPH Implementation Guide for
DOE Order 420.1 (DOE G 420.1-2).
Performance Category 4: An SSC shall be placed in preliminary Performance Category 4
(PC-4) if it is a "safety-class" item as defined in STD-3009-94 (CHG-1) and Section 2.3,
above, and if its failure during an NPH event could result in off-site release consequences
greater than or equal to the unmitigated release from a large (>200 MWt) Category A reactor
severe accident. There are not expected to be many such facilities in the DOE complex. Not
all safety-class SSCs are necessarily PC-4. If the adverse off-site consequences from an NPH
event are significant enough to make them safety-class but are substantially less than those
associated with consequences from an unmitigated large Category A reactor severe accident,
the SSCs should be placed in PC-3. An SSC that does not satisfy the above criteria may also
be placed in PC-4 for improved performance if justified from cost-benefit considerations.
Performance Category 3: An SSC shall be placed in preliminary Performance Category 3
(PC-3) if it is not covered in Paragraph 2.4(b) above, and if: its failure results in adverse
release consequences greater than safety class SSC Evaluation Guidelines limits but much less
than those associated with PC-4 SSCs.
For additional applications refer to DOE-G-420.1-2.
An SSC that does not satisfy the above criteria may also be placed in PC-3 for improved
performance if justified from cost-benefit considerations. For new facilities, since it may not
cost too much more to design the facility as PC-4 instead of PC-3, it may be desirable to
design such PC-3 facilities in the conceptual design stage to PC-4 criteria, subject to funding
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