| ![]() DOE-STD-1023-95
3.3 Detailed Requirements for Flood Hazard Assessment
3.3.1 General
Design and evaluation criteria for DOE facilities against flood hazards are provided by DOE-STD-
1020-2002. In accordance with DOE-STD-1020-2002, a Design Basis Flood (DBFL) shall be
established in order to carry out the design/evaluation process. The DBFL is a flood level
determined from the mean flood hazard curve and the hazard annual probability of exceedance
specified in DOE-STD-1020-2002. A probabilistic flood hazard assessment is required to develop
the flood hazard curve at the site.
In accordance with Section 3.c, for sites containing facilities with SSCs in PC 3 or 4, a site-specific
probabilistic flood hazard assessment is required. A site-specific probabilistic flood hazard
assessment at a site shall involve the following two steps:
Step 1:
Perform a flood screening analysis to evaluate the magnitude of flood hazards that may
impact the SSCs under consideration. Specific criteria for a flood screening analysis are
provided in Section 3.3.2 of this Standard.
Step 2:
Perform a comprehensive flood hazard assessment, if needed, based on the results of the
flood screening evaluation. Specific criteria for a comprehensive flood hazard assessment
are provided in Section 3.3.3 of this Standard.
In accordance with Section 3.a, for sites containing facilities with SSCs in only PC 1 and 2 and
having no existing site-specific probabilistic flood hazard assessment, it is sufficient to utilize flood
insurance studies or equivalent to estimate the DBFL.
However, for sites containing facilities with SSCs in PC 2, a reduced-scope flood hazard assessment
is generally required because most flood insurance studies available have not been conducted at a
level which is compatible with the hazard annual probability of exceedance (5 X 10-4) associated with
PC 2 SSCs. A reduced-scope site-specific probabilistic flood assessment need contain only a flood
screening analysis as specified in Section 3.3.2.
For sites which have site-specific flood hazard assessments, the SSCs in PCs 1 and 2 shall be
evaluated or designed for the greater of the site-specific values, flood insurance studies, or equivalent
unless lower site-specific values can be justified and are approved by DOE.
The flood hazard assessment shall consider all the phenomena that can cause flooding (e.g., river
flooding, storm surge, dam failure). The identification of potential sources of flooding is addressed
in Section A3.3.2.1. In addition, all sites must design a site drainage system to handle the runoff due
to local precipitation.
If a site-specific flood hazard assessment is conducted, all effects of flooding, including
submergence, waves and runups, debris, and hydrodynamic effects (e.g., peak flow velocity), shall be
considered for each identified source of potential flooding.
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