| ![]() DOE-STD-1023-95
For determination of the DBFL, the flood hazard assessment shall consider the possibility of
simultaneous occurrence of flood events as specified in Section 3.3.4 of this Standard.
In completing a flood hazard assessment, it is extremely important that a site-specific data base be
available. DOE-STD-1022-94 provides criteria for the types of data that shall be collected and
compiled for such a data base.
3.3.2 Flood Screening Analysis
The objective of the flood screening analysis is to conduct a preliminary flood hazard assessment that
identifies potential flood hazards including flood induced rise in ground water and to determine
whether flooding can take place or whether the site can be considered a flood-dry site (ANS, 1987).
A flood-dry site is defined as one where the structures are physically removed from the potential
sources of flooding so that safety from flooding is obvious and can be documented with minimal
In the case of flood-dry sites, the flood screening analysis will conclude that flooding is not a design
basis event.
In the case of non-flood-dry sites, the flood screening analysis will provide a preliminary measure of
the magnitude and probability of occurrence of extreme floods.
The flood screening analysis includes the following three steps:
Step 1:
Identification of the sources of flooding.
Step 2:
Evaluation of flooding potential.
Step 3:
Preliminary flood hazard analysis.
Examples of acceptable previous flood screening analyses for 10 DOE sites are presented in McCann
and Boissonnade (1988a, 1988b, and 1991) and summarized in Savy and Murray (1988). The
elements comprising a flood screening analysis are further described in Appendix A.
3.3.3 Comprehensive Flood Hazard Assessment
Results of the flood screening analysis determine whether floods could impact DOE operations. For
sites that could be exposed to flooding and do not meet the design basis, a comprehensive flood
hazard analysis is required. The need to perform a site comprehensive hazard assessment depends on
the potential DBFL impact on the facilities for the flood hazard exceedance probabilities. Guidelines
to evaluate these impacts are provided in DOE-STD-1020-2002. These guidelines recommend the
design basis for DOE facilities based on the following factors:
Types of potential flood hazard
Performance Category
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