| ![]() DOE-STD-1024-92
In general, the interim approach proposed is reasonable for what it is trying to
accomplish for the next two years. It is probably conservative with respect to
what is likely to result from the final reconciliation of the EPRI and LLNL
approaches, especially based on what we know of the improvements being
made to the LLNL approach through the hazard studies being performed for the
DOE on the NPR program.
Below are two potential alternatives to the DOE interim approach. It is possible
that these alternatives were already considered and rejected for one reason or
another. We are only stating that there appear to be some as opposed to
"essential," but we feel they are worthy of some consideration if none has
previously been given.
The seismic hazard at a particular site is to a large extent determined by a
particular type of earthquake (e.g., magnitude, depth, focal mechanism, etc.)
with a particular path. A detailed consideration of these factors in the form of
local knowledge would reduce the attenuating model uncertainties. This, plus
the fact that for soil sites, even without the Expert 5 of LLNL study, the ratio for
peak ground acceleration of 0.20g (LLNL/EPRI) median seismic hazard is high
(namely 1.24, according to Table 1 of the interim position) the use of LLNL and
EPRI median curves by averaging them and multiplying by a factor 1.65 tends to
be too conservative.
For soil sites, the best approach would be to incorporate all local soil conditions,
potential for liquefaction, dynamic soil amplification and other such factors and
develop the seismic hazard model from basic raw data using proper attenuation
models. The median forecasted value of PGA can then be used for scaling the
response spectrum shape and site specific median response spectra can be
As an alternate to recommendations in the draft "Interim Position" the
probabilistic method for EUS, presented in the Army Technical Manual TM-5-
810-10-1 Chapter 3, can be used to perform the seismic hazard analysis at the
target probability per UCRL-15910 until the results of the study to be conducted
by Sandia National Laboratories become available.
The subject guidance document for use of the LLNL and EPRI seismic hazard
studies at sites in the EUS sites was reviewed as requested in your April 24,
1992, memorandum. The guidance document was found to be thorough and
appropriately conservative. We have no specific criticism or suggested
revisions. Though the report does not apply directly to sites in the WUS, there
are several conclusions that, if incorporated into specific Orders or
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