| ![]() DOE-STD-1024-92
The guidelines state that DOE is reviewing the LLNL and EPRI seismic hazard
data to determine if the range in slopes used, accurately represents the full
range over all probabilities linked to UCRL-15910, and that this review may
require a modification to the factor used to obtain the pseudo-mean peak ground
acceleration. The guidelines do not discuss the possible modifications, but our
review of another draft DOE-HQ document (Seismic Design and Evaluation
Guidelines for the Department of Energy High-Level Waste storage Tanks)
raises concern on the impact of the modifications. It appears the seismic hazard
results at annual probabilities of 1 x 10-04 and 1 x 10-05 will be used to modify the
probabilities (2 x 10-03 to 1 x 10-03) than the lower annual probabilities, therefore
the lower values should not, be used to modify the higher values.
Table 2 in the guidelines is not complete in some instances. The acceleration
values which are not specified in Table 2 (footnote #3) of the guidelines are as
1 x 10E-3
2 x 10E-4
LLNL (with 5)
0.10 0.40 0.34
Oak Ridge
LLNL (with 5)
0.10 0.40 0.32
0.22 0.75 0.55
We suggest a workshop involving the seismic working group and consultants,
DOE field offices, and management and operating (M&O) contractors should be
held to discuss the guidelines, due to their growing complexity.
We suggest the Oak Ridge site be used as a case study for developing the site
specific spectra, since we have already initiated the studies.
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