| ![]() DOE-STD-1030-96
Group Lockout/Tagout
When maintenance is performed by a crew, craft, department, or other group, it
is often advantageous to use a "group" lockout/tagout procedure. Such a
procedure must afford personnel a level of protection equivalent to that provided
by installation of personal lockout/tagout devices. The centrally controlled
lockout/tagout described in this Guide meets that requirement when the
following actions are performed:
An authorized person (a member of the operations organization in centrally
controlled facilities) locks and tags each isolation device.
The keys from all isolation device locks are placed inside a lockable box.
This box is then also locked and tagged.
Each individual or work group representative requiring protection adds an
individual lock and tag to the lock box.
No keys to isolation devices can be obtained until all individuals and work
groups have released the lockout/tagout and removed their locks and tags from
the lock box.
After all individuals and work group representatives have removed their
locks and tags from the lock box, the authorized person (or a person
authorized by the responsible supervisor or manager in centrally controlled
facilities) may remove the final lock and tag from the lock box. This makes
the keys available for removing the remainder of the lockout/tagout.
4.6 Temporary or Partial Removal
As a general rule, temporary or partial removal of a lockout/tagout is discouraged, except
when required as part of an approved work package, e.g., to stroke a motor-operated valve,
to check phase rotation on a motor, or to test equipment functionality. It is important that a
temporary or partial removal of a lockout/tagout is not regarded as an opportunity to take
shortcuts. The same series of checks and precautions is required whether one tag is being
removed or the entire lockout/tagout. All lockout/tagout holders must release the lockout/-
tagout before any tags are removed or any changes are made in the isolation boundaries.
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