| ![]() DOE-STD-1050-93
ALARA actions, including shielding installation and prejob briefings on ALARA
support of maintenance activities by health physics and decontamination personnel,
including support during the performance of tasks, identifying and posting work
areas, and timely decontamination of tools, floors, and equipment
allocation of space and crane use
inspection of maintenance activities by quality control personnel, including
completion of associated documents
continuous document processing, issuing, and closeout throughout the job
The effectiveness of prejob coordination should be routinely assessed by managers and
supervisors and corrective actions taken when required to improve the efficiency of
conduct of work.
3.6.3 Material Staging and Availability
A clear definition of the responsibility for ensuring that adequate parts and material are
on site and available for the performance of scheduled work activities is necessary to
avoid problems during the performance of maintenance. Plant responsibilities regarding
procurement of material required for maintenance and modifications should be included
in the definition. Having one organization responsible for coordinating material needs
and a single point of contact for expediting material has proven successful and should
be considered. (See DOE "Guidelines to Good Practices f or Procurem ent of Parts,
M aterials, and S erv ices at DOE N uclear Facilities.")
Parts and material required for maintenance activities should be identified and purchased
in time to allow for receipt and inspection well before they are needed. After
processing, these parts and material should be identified for specific work packages and
segregated from other stock inventory. Standard stock items and consumables required
for planned work should be allocated to ensure their availability. (see DOE Guidelines
to Good Practices f or M aterial R eceipt, Inspection, Handling, S torage, R etriev al, and
Issuance at DOE N uclear Facilities.")
Adequate storage and protection of parts and materials segregated for planned
maintenance activities should be provided. This is particularly important for material
staged at the job-site and not within normal storage areas.
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