| ![]() DOE-STD-1050-93
A detailed review of the daily schedule should be an integral part of shift turnover
activities to ensure that the on-coming shift is familiar with any short-term adjustments
made to the schedule. This is particularly important for operator turnovers to ensure
that operators know the status of the plant and are familiar with upcoming maintenance
activities including tagging needs.
3.5.5 Schedule Preparation
The following items should be considered during the schedule preparation process:
The schedule should be success oriented (i.e., contingency plans should not be
included). If a contingency plan needs to be implemented, the schedule then
should be revised to fit the particular situation.
The schedule should be challenging but achievable. It should be consistent with
the goals set by management.
Work items should be coded to identify their discrete locations in the plant. They
then may be reviewed together to assess the degree of area congestion and to
minimize duplication of support work such as scaffolding and insulation removal.
The schedule should be craft-loaded and the sequence and timing of activities
adjusted to ensure that resource requirements are consistent with resource
Tests, inspections, or other tasks that may identify additional work should be
scheduled as early as possible to permit time for completion of the additional work
within the established envelope.
Significant as-found, postmaintenance, and postmodification testing should be
explicitly scheduled. Time should be allotted for testing, line up, and other
activities required for returning sy stems to service. System interactions and
operator resources should be considered when scheduling sy stem and plant startup.
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