| ![]() DOE-STD-1050-93
Since the quality of maintenance activities performed directly impacts the plant's
reliability, management of the work force to achieve quality workmanship while
maximizing productivity requires close control by maintenance managers and
Material availability is an important element to a successful maintenance program.
Many items, particularly material needed for modifications and repair parts for older
equipment, may be long lead-time items. They should be identified and ordered well
in advance and tracked to delivery to ensure that they will be available at the job-site
when needed.
Daily meetings, with affected individuals, should be conducted to focus on the progress
of key jobs and to provide short-range coordination of scheduled activities. Meetings
should be managed to efficiently use the time of the managers and supervisors, to
minimize redirection of work in progress, and to prevent delays to oncoming work
shifts. Care should be taken to ensure that meetings focus on problems and their
solutions and do not become a forum for exchange of status only.
Performance measures of the rate of activity completion, schedule adherence,
productivity, and progress toward meeting plant maintenance goals, should be developed
(see DOE "Guidelines to Good Practices f or M anagem ent Inv olv em ent at DOE N uclear
Facilities.") These measures should be periodically checked for validity and should be
used by maintenance management to monitor performance.
3.2 S cope
3.2.1 This document addresses the elements considered essential for maintenance managers
and direct line supervisors to assign responsibilities and outline methods that may be
used in the overall planning, scheduling, and coordination functions to accomplish the
Identify and screen plant deficiencies.
Control minor maintenance work activities within the plant work control sy stem.
Determine the level of detail necessary to accomplish maintenance tasks and
Use maintenance history in planning corrective maintenance and repetitive job
tasks (see DOE "Guidelines to Good Practices f or M aintenance History at DOE
N uclear Facilities.")
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