| DOE-STD-1051-93
Configuration Management Policy
The maintenance policy regarding the control of plant configuration should be
clearly defined and communicated to all levels of the organization. The policy
should address the scope of configuration management controls, the
responsibilities of the maintenance organization, and the principal interfaces
between the plant and maintenance organization that directly control material
condition assessments and plant design base requirements. In addition the
policy should identify each maintenance line manager's responsibility for
implementing the necessary controls to ensure effective implementation of the
configuration management policy.
A vailability of D esign B ase Requirements
The current plant design base requirements should be readily available to the
maintenance staff. These requirements should be used in the preparation,
review, and approval of proposed changes to plant design and maintenance
procedures. In addition, these requirements should be used in troubleshooting
problems and validating material condition assessment when questions arise.
The organization responsible for controlling the design base requirements and
ensuring plant design integrity (i.e., the design authority) should be assigned the
responsibility for interpreting design base requirements as needed.
Control of Interfaces
The interfaces among plant, permanent maintenance, and non-facility
organizations should be clearly defined to ensure the complete and accurate
communication of plant configuration-related information. For example, a
change to a vendor manual may result in changes to maintenance procedures,
training materials, equipment lists, repair parts, and design base documents such
as specifications and drawings. In addition, information may flow in both
directions across organizational interfaces. For example, information related to a
design change may be needed by operations, maintenance, and/or training to
update procedures to conform with the plant design base requirements.
Conversely a procedure change initiated by maintenance personnel that affects
an operating parameter may necessitate validation by design engineering
personnel to verify expected operating conditions fall within the design base
requirements. Controls should be established to ensure the necessary source
information that initiates a configuration change is sent to all affected
organizations and to ensure that the appropriate reviews, actions, and document
updates are accomplished in a timely manner.
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