| ![]() DOE-STD-1051-93
assurance or a corporate support/oversight group, should be considered when
determining actions in response to deficient conditions identified by these
organizations. Corrective actions should be tracked by management until
Responsible managers and supervisors should be held accountable for the
timely and effective implementation of corrective actions. Delays in the
completion of approved corrective actions should be brought to the attention of
the responsible manager who assigned the corrective actions. An escalation
process should provide higher levels of management attention to problem areas
for which corrective action continues to be ineffective.
U se of Operating Experience
Programs should be in place to ensure the timely review of operating
experience to incorporate lessons learned into maintenance programs and
practices. Reviews should include in-house and external industry events.
Management should use industry operating experience and in-house events as a
mechanism for assessing performance to determine the root causes of problems.
Mechanisms should also be in place to ensure that significant in-house events
are promptly provided to the industry for use by other plants.
Another aspect of operating experience involves visits to or communications
with other plants. Maintenance division managers, supervisors, and workers
should take opportunities to visit and communicate with other plants both to
help solve specific problems and to learn different approaches to the routine
business of operating plants.
4.3.4 Management Control of Plant Configuration
Management should ensure that plant configuration, including the manner in
which the plant is maintained, conforms to the established design basis requirements.
Many routine activities, if carried out improperly, can have an adverse impact on
plant configuration and cause eventual equipment damage or increase the probability
or consequences of a significant event. Effective control of plant configuration
requires rigorous attention to detail as well as the understanding and commitment of
every member of the maintenance organization to observe and report/record material
condition assessment status.
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