| ![]() DOE-STD-1051-93
4.3 Guidelines
4.3.1 Management D irection
Management should establish and clearly communicate high standards of
performance and promote a climate of professionalism for the conduct of all
maintenance activities. Standards of performance and a professional climate should
be fostered by leadership within the maintenance organization as opposed to external
forces or influences. Managers should provide leadership by example. Important
actions that can contribute to the achievement of excellence include the following:
Encouraging team work at all levels of the maintenance organization
b) Instilling an attitude of healthy skepticism
Fostering open communications within the maintenance staff and with the plant
management staff
d) Recognizing excellent individual performance, particularly as it contributes to
the team effort
Developing a sense of ownership within work groups
Management policies and directives covering the conduct of maintenance activities
should reflect desired high standards. Goals and objectives that focus on areas in
need of improvement and that promote excellence in plant maintenance operations
should be in place.
Policies, D irectives, and Procedures
Management policies and directives should provide clear guidance for the
conduct of maintenance activities. Management-approved procedures for the
performance of detailed and important maintenance activities should be prepared
on the basis of these policies and directives. All maintenance personnel on site,
non-facility as well as permanent personnel, should be held accountable for
strict adherence to policies, directives, and procedures. Management should
actively promote adherence to policies, directives, and procedures through
coaching, through monitoring of maintenance activities, and by example.
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