| ![]() DOE-STD-1051-93
2.3.8 N on-Facility Pers onnel
Non-Facility personnel may be used to perform tasks that are of a specialized or
temporary nature for which it is not feasible to hire or maintain a full-time
maintenance division employee. The use of non-facility personnel in permanent
maintenance division positions should be avoided except as an interim measure.
Chapter 3, "Human Resources," provides additional guidance concerning placing
non-facility personnel in permanent positions.
When non-facility personnel are used, the duties, authorities, responsibilities, and
functional interfaces with personnel should be clearly defined. Non-Facility
personnel should be qualified for the task to be performed and held to the same
performance standards as maintenance division personnel performing similar tasks.
Non-Facility personnel should be indoctrinated in appropriate plant policies and
procedures and should adhere to the policies and procedures to the same degree as
maintenance division personnel.
2.3.9 Interfaces w ith Outside Organizations
The maintenance division staff interface with many outside organizations, such as
the bargaining unit, federal regulatory agencies, state regulatory agencies and
commissions, local governmental bodies, industry oversight and advisory groups, and
insurance companies. The responsibility for interfacing with and making
commitments to outside organizations should be clearly defined and understood.
Measures, including appropriate reviews, should be in place to ensure information
provided to outside organizations is complete and accurate. Maintenance division
management should not acquiesce to outside organizations to the extent that
management's primary responsibility - personnel safety and plant safety and
reliability - is compromised.
2.3.10 Technical S afety Requirements
Administrative controls should be established to document compliance with DOE
Order 5480.22 T echnical S af ety R equirem ents. Logs, status sheets, turnover
checklists, or other appropriate documentation should reflect the entry conditions and
actions taken in response to technical safety requirements. Appropriate managers
and supervisors should be apprised of applicable technical safety requirements and
maintenance actions required for a return to normal operation.
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