| DOE-STD-1051-93
3.1 Introduction
Human resource management programs should be in place to ensure that the
maintenance division is staffed by well-qualified and experienced personnel. This section
covers the important aspects of human resource management for a maintenance facility.
3.2 D iscussiion
The maintenance division should be staffed, or supported by a team of highly qualified
and experienced personnel to achieve safe, reliable, and efficient maintenance operations.
Recruiting and screening efforts should support maintenance division needs to ensure that
qualified job candidates are hired. Human resource efforts should emphasize retention and
development of employees. Once hired, personnel performance should be evaluated
through regular performance appraisals. Promotions should be based on an individual's
performance and ability. Managerial, supervisory, and technical skills should be
developed through regular training, qualification, special projects and assignments, and
rotation of job assignments. Human resource policies and programs should be effectively
communicated to personnel. Human resource programs should be monitored and
periodically evaluated to determine their effectiveness. Policies should be in place to
identify and deal with behavioral abnormalities, including drug use and alcohol abuse.
3.3 Guidelines
3.3.1 Long-range S taffing Plan
A long-range staffing plan, tied to the company's long-range objectives, should be
developed by the maintenance division to anticipate future personnel needs. This
plan should be periodically reviewed and updated to verify that it is consistent with
and supports company long-range objectives and the needs of the plant. Elements of
the long-range plan should include anticipated changes in authorized staffing levels,
potential succession plans for key management positions, job rotation for
professional and managerial experience development, and a forecast of personnel
needs, considering losses due to retirement and attrition. The long-range staffing
plan should allow sufficient time for individuals to turn over job responsibilities and
allow for continuity in the conduct of duties.
Engineering support is not always directly assigned to the maintenance
functions. Such support availability and priority should be one of the
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