| DOE-STD-1051-93
3.3.7 Performance A pprais als
All personnel should periodically (for example, at least annually) receive a
sy stematic and objective performance appraisal. These appraisals should be used to
provide feedback to the individual to help improve job performance. Performance
appraisals should also be used to enhance communications between supervisors and
subordinates, evaluate performance against management goals and objectives, and
guide the individual's professional development. Results of performance appraisals
should be considered in job promotions and special assignments. Periodic feedback
on performance, in addition to the formal performance appraisal process, is also
important to provide an ongoing appraisal of the subordinate's performance,
including strengths and areas needing improvement.
3.3.8 Compens ation and Rew ard S ystem
To attract and retain top performing personnel, the organization's compensation
sy stem should be competitive with those of other employers in the local community
and in competing industries. Additionally, the compensation and reward sy stem
should be internally equitable within the maintenance organization, recognizing the
unique contribution of each position to overall performance.
3.3.9 Communication of Pers onnel Management Policies
Maintenance management should clearly and effectively communicate the
objectives of the company's human resources management effort to maintenance
employees. Personnel should thoroughly understand top management's intention
concerning career progression, management and professional development activities,
performance appraisals, and the compensation and reward sy stem.
3.3.10 Evaluation of Human Res ources Management A ctivities
Human resources management activities should be monitored and periodically
evaluated. The results of the evaluations should be reported to the plant manager
and corporate management.
The effectiveness of the following activities should be included in the evaluation:
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