| ![]() DOE-STD-1051-93
undesirable trends, including problem areas, needed improvements, and actions
taken to cause improvement, enhances the usefulness of the reports.
Responsibilities should be assigned for collection and analysis of data for
each indicator. A coordinator should be assigned overall responsibility for
development, production, and distribution of the report.
Reports tailored to the needs and desires of responsible company
management, including the plant manager, and appropriate division managers,
should be distributed.
Guidelines should be developed for determining what quantitative indicators
are provided to each level of management. For example, the plant manager's
report could provide overall performance indicators and other selected indicators
along with an executive summary section noting unusual results and significant
trends. A brief explanation of the cause of negative trends and corrective
actions to be taken should be provided. Reports to other division managers
should provide all the information in the plant manager's report and other
selected indicators applicable to their areas of responsibility.
S tatus Reports to Managers
Managers should receive periodic reports on the status of various programs
and on the status of action items. An integrated management information
sy stem is often used to provide this information. When independent reporting
or action tracking sy stems are used, care should be taken to minimize redundant
reports. Items that are nearing the completion date should be monitored to
verify that due dates will be met. When items become overdue, they should be
reviewed, appropriate actions should be taken, and the item should be
rescheduled. Closeout methods should be streamlined to prevent an excessive
number of completed items from being carried forward.
Follow -up
Follow-up on the effectiveness of corrective actions for deficient
conditions should be scheduled as part of the management monitoring
program. Follow-up monitoring should determine if the immediate
condition has been corrected and the root cause(s) eliminated. In some
cases, this will require monitoring of the immediate corrective actions and
subsequent monitoring to determine whether recurrence of the condition is
minimized. For the latter, sufficient time will need to be allowed to permit
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