| ![]() DOE-STD-1052-93
If a failure mode only has a local effect, then no other analysis is needed for
that failure mode. Failure modes that have a plant effect and a high likelihood
of failure are considered significant and should be evaluated for PM task or
design changes. Failure modes that have a system effect are evaluated to
determine the significance of the failure effects and if the likelihood of
occurrence is high. The following questions may be used to determine if the
failure modes are significant:
Does the failure mode cause loss of a safety or system function?
Is the failure mode likely to occur?
Probability of occurrence of a failure is a consideration used
in several elements of the analysis. Specific probabilities or
the criteria to be used should be established by the plant.
Does the failure mode adversely affect plant availability or result in a
power reduction?
Could the failure mode result in personnel injury or significant
component damage?
Does the failure mode result in high use of maintenance resources?
Does the failure mode result in significant radiation exposure to
accomplish repair?
Does the failure mode impose excessive demand on other
components, considering a reasonable repair time, (e.g., on-off
cycling, uneven load distribution, or exceeding capacity ratings) that
may shorten the service life of other components?
If the answer to any of the above questions is "yes," the failure mode should
be addressed by a PM task or be evaluated for a possible design change to
eliminate or control the failure mode. If the answers to the questions are
"no," and the likelihood for failure is also low, then the failure mode is
considered to be insignificant since the consequences may be tolerated. If a
failure mode may be tolerated, it is not essential to perform a PM task to
mitigate the failure cause. If all failure modes may be tolerated, the
component should be considered for run-to-failure operation, and the existing
PM tasks for the component should be evaluated for possible deletion.
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