| ![]() DOE-STD-1052-93
Determination of Failure Modes and Effects
The failure modes of the selected component and the effects or consequences of
failures need to be determined. Performing the failure mode and effects analysis
(FMEA) is a significant element of the problem component analysis. The significance
of the failure modes is then established to determine which modes need to be
evaluated for PM task enhancement or design changes.
Failure modes are the types or ways a component may fail. They may be
determined by reviewing the component's operating characteristics and how
it functions in the system.
Determine the plausible causes of each failure mode. Plant history may
provide additional information useful in determining the failure causes.
Determine the effects of the failure modes and evaluate them at the local,
system, and plant level to determine their effect. Local effects are those that
may be noted in the general vicinity of the failure. System effects are
problems that inhibit system functions or operations. Plant effects are
problems that impact more than one system or limit plant operation or power
generation. The following are examples of effects:
local effect - provides a local alarm or results in leakage or unusual
system effect - causes loss of redundant equipment
plant effect - results in a power reduction or transient
When evaluating components with redundant trains, consider the
consequences of the failure mode as if the redundant train was not available.
There are other methods for considering redundant equipment.
The method described above may result in increased system
Input and interviews from the operations staff and training materials also may
be used to identify failure effects.
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