| ![]() DOE-STD-1052-93
Is the failure likely to occur?
Probability of occurrence of a failure is a
consideration used in several elements of
the analysis. Specific probabilities or the
criteria to be used should be established by
the plant.
Does the failure mode adversely affect plant availability or
result in a power reduction?
Could the failure mode result in personnel injury or
significant component damage?
Does the failure mode result in high maintenance costs?
Does the failure mode result in significant radiation
exposure to accomplish repair?
Considering a reasonable repair time, does the failure
mode impose excessive demand on other components
(e.g., on-off cycling, uneven load distribution, or
exceeding capacity ratings) that may shorten the service
life of other components?
The following are examples of effects:
local effect - provides alarm
system effect - causes degradation of system flow
plant effect - reactor power limitation or transient
Input and interviews from the operations staff and training
materials may be used to identify possible failure effects. The
effects of each failure mode should be recorded on the FMEA
tabulation form.
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