| ![]() DOE-STD-1052-93
Component reliability problems that do not have human performance factors may best
be resolved by using the functional analysis technique commonly used in reliability-
centered maintenance programs. The functional analysis technique, as applied to
components, is described in Sections 6.5, "Determination of Functional Failures"; and
6.6, "Determination of Failure Modes and Effects."
The functional analysis technique establishes the following:
component functions
component failure modes
effects or consequences of the failures
It should be recognized that analysis of component performance problems usually
results in addition of PM activities. It also should be noted that the results of the
component analysis may be modified when the system containing the component is
analyzed. Documentation developed during the component analysis should be
retained and available for use in the system analysis, described in Section 7.
Determination of Functional Failures
This section describes the method for determining component functions and how the
component may fail.
From the data collected during the component history review, the functions of the
component should be determined and recorded. Functions are actions or
requirements the component should accomplish to support its overall system function.
It is important that all functions of the component be identified since preserving these
functions is the primary objective of the PM tasks that should be selected.
After the component functions are determined, the next step is to identify the likely
failures that may cause loss of one or more component functions. These are called
functional failures. A functional failure exists when a component ceases to provide
a required function whether the function is active or passive, evident or hidden. Some
functional failures may be considered to be implausible. Examples of implausible
failures are those that result from a rare or unexpected external occurrence or from
an unexpected or unlikely failure mechanism. Although they are noted, implausible
failures are not considered for further analysis.
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