| ![]() DOE-STD-1052-93
1.4.4 When degraded equipment condition is indicated, the predictive maintenance
coordinator should take action to ascertain the validity of the data. The predictive
maintenance coordinator should notify the responsible maintenance organization
when the suspected deficient condition has been verified.
1.5 Preparation and Distribution of Reports
1.5.1 The predictive maintenance coordinator or designee should notify responsible
operations and maintenance personnel when any deficiency is noted that may
jeopardize equipment operation.
1.5.2 Written reports should be prepared periodically to furnish necessary information to
plant management.
1.5.3 Written reports should ordinarily be limited to "exception" reports describing
problems that have been identified and information directly related.
1.6 Corrective Action and Follow-up
1.6.1 Equipment that has been found to have a known or suspected vibration problem
should be scheduled for monitoring at more frequent intervals until the problem is
1.6.2 Following notification of completed corrective action, vibration readings should be
taken to establish a new baseline.
1.7 Instrument Calibration
1.7.1 Test equipment used in support of the vibration monitoring program should be
incorporated into the measuring and test equipment program in accordance with the
plant procedure that governs the control of measuring and test equipment.
1.8 Program Upgrading
1.8.1 The predictive maintenance coordinator should continually seek to refine and
improve the vibration monitoring program by the following:
a. being alert and responsive to actual and suspected equipment operating problems
as reported by members of plant staff
b. coordinating the collection of vibration data on infrequently operated equipment
to coincide with normal plant operation
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