| ![]() DOE-STD-1052-93
c. evaluating readings taken to identify methods by which more appropriate or
meaningful data may be taken
1.8.2 Upgrading of the program may entail increasing or reducing requirements in terms of
machines to be monitored, type and number of measurements per machine, and time
interval between readings. In addition, vibration monitoring equipment, including
software, should be periodically evaluated and consideration made for upgrading
based on changing technology.
1.8.3 Failures of equipment included in the vibration monitoring program should have
detailed root cause investigations to determine why the program did not detect
degradation before the failures occurred.
1.8.4 As a means of performing preliminary evaluation of equipment being considered for
possible inclusion in the program and establishing measurement parameters for
equipment to be added, vibration data may be taken on equipment other than that
listed in Table 1.
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