| ![]() DOE-STD-1052-93
Using a copy of the single-line schematic drawings and the piping and
instrument drawings (P&ID) of the selected system, define the system
boundaries as follows:
Draw boundary lines such that controlled components and their
associated controllers and instrumentation are within the system
Piping boundaries for a system should be drawn at a valve, with
the valve included if its function is for isolation of the system.
Air-operated valves should include the instrument air system
back to the first isolation valve off the instrument air header and
the local instrumentation (e.g., positioners, current-to--
pneumatic converter and solenoid valves). For the instrument
air system, the valves, regulators, and piping serve the same
function and should be analyzed as part of the instrument air
Multiple trains in a system or redundant components within a
system should be included within the same system boundary.
When a system contains a heat exchanger, the heat exchanger
should be included with the system that is being cooled.
Specific components that are dedicated to a particular system
should be included within that system boundary. For example,
the level and flow instrumentation in the main steam system that
provides signals only to the feedwater control logic should be
included in the feedwater system and not in the main steam
There are some special boundary points that may need to be established. For
example, in order to define functions where control logic is involved, the
analyst may find it convenient to extend a system boundary beyond that
shown on a given drawing to include instrument sensors that drive the system
logic. It should be recognized that system drawings are sometimes not
sufficient to show instrumentation logic and electrical boundaries.
It may be helpful to color code the P&IDs to show the boundaries and each
component that should be addressed in the enhancement effort. In addition,
it also may be helpful to develop a list of components within the boundary to
track their analysis.
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