| ![]() DOE-STD-1052-93
Data Collection
Once systems are selected, the analyst should collect design, operational, and
maintenance information in order to develop a data package for the system and
components. This ensures the operating characteristics, requirements, and history
of the system and associated components are known and considered in the analysis.
The data package should provide the analyst with the information needed to
determine system functions, equipment failure modes, failure causes, and failure
rates. The information for the data package may be obtained from sources such as
those shown in Attachment A. The information needed includes the following:
design specifications
operating requirements
theory of operation and operating limitations
maintenance and surveillance requirement
internal and external commitments
routinely scheduled PM and surveillance activities
Although the data collected may have many uses, collecting and assimilating the
information is a time-consuming effort and is performed continuously throughout the
process. To facilitate retrievability, use, and updating of the data collected, a
computer data base may be used for easy access by all analysts and other users. If
a computer program is not available for electronic approvals of analysis
documentation, computer-generated forms may be used to obtain the necessary
reviews and approvals.
System Boundary Determination
The next step in the enhancement process is to define the boundaries of selected
systems. The boundary of a system should include everything necessary for the
system to accomplish its function(s). Defining system boundaries is an important
step, and once established, boundaries should be documented and maintained
throughout the remainder of the process. To assist in defining system boundaries,
the analyst should refer to the boundary or system interfaces identified during a
design basis review, if one is available. Using information already developed
provides an opportunity to minimize the cost and resources needed.
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