| ![]() DOE-STD-1053-93
description of the problem or deficiency,
site work priority,
personnel safety and permit requirements,
work instructions or applicable procedures,
ALARA recommendations,
inspection hold points,
work authorization approvals,
postmaintenance testing instructions,
description of conditions found and actions taken by the craftsperson,
final reviews and sign-offs.
Maintenance supervisors should periodically monitor work activities in
progress to ensure a quality maintenance product. Their task is not one of
"bird-dogging" the job, but should add value to the overall activity by taking
a "big picture" look at the conditions surrounding the task. In short the
supervisors should provide overview guidance and coordination where
needed. Some examples include the following:
concise job briefings,
proper radiological and safety practices,
emphasis on quality of workmanship,
ensuring procedure use,
enforcement of protection for open process sy stems or components,
accountability of tools, chemicals, or materials used,
a clean and orderly work sites,
work performed on the correct sy stem or component,
effective response to unanticipated problems,
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