| DOE-STD-1053-93
Maintenance Importance Generator (MIG).
A computerized sy stem using
predetermined rules to compare data on an MJR and to establish relative-importance
ranking for each maintenance job.
Maintenance Job Request (MJR.) (Appendix D). Means of obtaining maintenance
services available on both paper and electronic mediums and initiated by maintenance
customers. Issued to Maintenance Planners and Estimators and used to define, plan,
and execute maintenance activities. Documentation of a deficient equipment condition,
requires detailed documentation of work performed, spare parts, procedures, or testing
to verify maintenance was performed correctly. The MJR. may also serve as
documentation for completion of minor maintenance activities such as lubrication, light
bulb replacement, etc.
Maintenance Management. The administration of a program utilizing such concepts
as organization, plans, procedures, schedules, cost control, periodic evaluation, and
feedback for the effective performance and control of maintenance with adequate
provisions for interface with other concerned disciplines such as health, safety,
environmental compliance, quality control, and security. All work done in conjunction
with existing property is either maintenance (preserving), repair (restoring), service
(cleaning and making usable), or improvements (modification). The work to be
considered under the DOE maintenance management program is only that for
maintenance, repair, and modification (temporary).
Outage. Condition existing whenever normal operations has stopped, due to planned
or unplanned occurrences.
Performance Test. A test of SSC to verify that required performance characteristics
may be achieved, to detect any abnormal performance characteristics, and to determine
the effect of maintenance and operating activities on equipment performance.
Performance Monitoring. Systematic monitoring and trending of the performance of
selected plant SSC to measure and assess the impact of any performance changes on
overall plant efficiency, reliability, and availability.
Periodic Maintenance. Preventive maintenance activities accomplished on a routine
basis (typically based on operating hours or calendar time) and may include any
combination of external inspections, alignments or calibrations, internal inspections,
overhauls, and SSC replacements.
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