| DOE-STD-1053-93
Planned Maintenance. Preventive maintenance activities performed prior to SSC failure
and may be initiated by predictive or periodic maintenance results, by vendor
recommendations, or by experience/lessons learned. These include items such as
scheduled valve repacking, replacement of bearings as indicated from vibration
analysis, major or minor overhauls based on experience factors or vendor
recommendations and replacement of known life-span components. For example,
repacking a valve due to packing leakage would be corrective maintenance, but
scheduled repacking prior to leakage would be planned maintenance.
Predictive Maintenance. Predictive maintenance activities involve continuous or
periodic monitoring and diagnosis in order to forecast component degradation so that
"as-needed" planned maintenance may be performed prior to SSC failure. Not all SSC
conditions and failure modes may be monitored; therefore, predictive maintenance
should be selectively applied. Reliable predictive maintenance is normally preferable
to periodic internal inspection or equipment overhauls.
Preventive Maintenance. Preventive maintenance includes periodic and planned
maintenance actions taken to maintain SSC within their design operating conditions,
extend its life, and is performed to prevent SSC failure. This includes technical safety
requirements surveillances, in-service inspections, and other regulatory forms of
preventive maintenance.
Root Cause. A determination based on an analytical technic that determines the
fundamental cause of failure.
Structures, Systems and Components (SSC). Physical items designed, built, or installed
to support the operation of the plant.
Technical Support. The engineering, design, specialized inspections, planning, or other
such support of capital asset maintenance and repair.
Work Control Document. Proceduralized document used by facility personnel to
perform inspections, testing or work.
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