| DOE-STD-1053-93
Descriptive information and data on completed work should be entered
in the maintenance history (see "Guidelines to Good Practices f or
M aintenance History at DOE N uclear Facilities"). History information
should be reviewed and modified as necessary by a maintenance
engineer, before filing, to ensure the information is accurate, complete,
and understandable. Maintenance history information should normally
be retained for the life of the associated equipment.
3.4.3 Supervision of Maintenance Activities
Maintenance supervision should routinely monitor work in progress to help ensure that
maintenance activities are conducted in accordance with DOE and facility policies and
procedures. Good work practices should be recognized and encouraged; poor work
practices should be corrected on the spot. Causes of poor work practices should be
identified and corrected, and generic corrective activities should be initiated as needed.
Examples of work practices that should be reviewed and verified include the following:
Safety is the first priority for all work, ensure unsafe conditions and deficiencies
are clearly identified
Industrial safety and radiological protection practices such as appropriate use of
safety equipment, proper handling of hazardous chemicals, proper use of ALARA
concepts, minimizing spread of contamination
Exposure of personnel to hazardous materials and conditions is minimized
The potential for the spread of radioactive or other hazardous materials is
minimized through proper containment and handling
Proper use of pre-job briefings and applicable training
Quality of workmanship, material, and parts
Work being performed on the correct SSC
Applicable authorizations, procedures, documents, permits are available at the job
Individuals performing work or responsible for work are adequately trained and
have a clear understanding of work scope and the effect of the work being
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