| DOE-STD-1054-93
Calibration of M&TE - Off Site
M&TE may be calibrated by off-site organizations that have been
approved in accordance with on-site quality assurance department
Purchase orders or calibration requests to these
organizations should reference or include the following information:
tolerance requirements
calibration test data requirements
any special environmental, handling,
requirements (see paragraph
calibration data to be supplied with the calibrated equipment
The off-site organization should also be required to provide immediate
verbal notification if the as-found data for an M&TE device does not
meet specified acceptance criteria. This notification is necessary to
ensure that the evaluation required by Section 3.4.5 is initiated as soon
as possible.
Upon return of the measuring and test equipment, the standards
laboratory supervisor shall ensure that the calibration data submitted
is reviewed, and an appropriate calibration sticker is attached.
M&TE Repairs/Out of Calibration
M&TE found to exceed required calibration tolerance or that has been subjected to
possible damage should be identified as rejected. When repairs are required to
standards or other measuring and test equipment they shall be re-calibrated to the
original requirements prior to being returned to normal service.
calibration/certification is performed, the "as-found" condition and/or minor
adjustments to the measuring and test equipment shall be noted as part of the
equipment history information.
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