| ![]() DOE-STD-1055-93
These groups should meet regularly with management to:
Review and report progress
Maintain management visibility and awareness
Ensure management support for proposed actions
Obtain management approvals
Meetings with affected individuals/groups, should be conducted on a regular schedule
to provide for sharing information through interrogative/interactive participation.
Reported accomplishments should be tracked and regularly evaluated for trends (both
positive and negative) which provide timely visibility and opportunity for informed
knowledge-based management decisions leading to continued improvement. Trends
(both positive and negative) should be analyzed for root cause determination (see
DOE-NE-STD-1004-92, "R oot Cause A naly sis Guidance Docum ent"). Action plans to
correct deficiencies and reverse negative trends should be implemented, when
appropriate. Positive indicators should be evaluated for stability, reliability, and the
potential for broader application.
Problem A nalysis
Root cause analysis of unplanned, recurring, and persistent maintenance problems,
incidents, and outages which impact safe and reliable operations, although historically
performed has only recently adopted formal methodologies to sy stematically and
clearly lead to their effective resolution. Root cause is seldom a single factor.
Individuals at all levels should be trained in the use of one or more of a variety of
formal problem analysis and solving methodologies, including:
Job Hazard Analysis
Function Analysis
Total Quality Management - Performance Improvement Process
Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Analysis
Single Failure Analysis
Root Cause Analysis
Facility Safety Analysis and Review Phases
Risk Assessment (Failure Modes and Effects)
Value Engineering
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