| DOE-STD-1058-93
Case Study Type:
Objective Classifications:
Description and suggested uses:
The live case study is one of the more unique types of case studies in use. The
material for a live case study comes from events that are occurring at the
present time. Often, nothing more than a newspaper article is used to provide
the trainees with the case study information. The instructor provides questions
for thought and to prompt a discussion. The answers are truly unknown when
this case is presented. Only after a few days can the trainee's conclusions be
compared with the actual decisions made. This is usually found in a follow-up
newspaper article, or industry publication. This type of case study can be used
in classes that last several weeks (such as reactor operator qualifications), or for
requalification programs.
Because the information for a live case study is based on current events, it is
difficult to plan for and write into a lesson plan.
To use a live case study, give the trainees up-to-date factual information to start
with. During the remainder of the class, provide an interim problem-solving
exercise. Finally offer opportunities to compare and appraise a variety of
solutions for the problem analyzed (i.e., comparing hypothetical solutions
worked out in the study group against the actual solutions that have been
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