| DOE-STD-1058-93
Case Study Type:
Objective Classifications:
Description and suggested uses:
The participant case study is a variation of the conventional case study. The
idea is to have the trainees develop and present a case study to the group. The
trainees can readily identify with this type of case since it is being conveyed
(normally) by one of their peers. The advantages of this approach include
greater trainee involvement and interest, cases which are complex and
challenging, and increased responsibility by trainees to contribute materials for
the learning experience, with a corresponding reduction in the dependency on
the trainer who ordinarily "does it all." A participant case study can promote
interaction and teamwork since the cases brought in by the trainees often relate
to problems in their work environment or area.
This type of case study can be used as a final exercise within a course, where
the information has been presented to the trainees over the entire course.
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