| ![]() DOE-STD-1061-93
As with other managers, an important aspect of developing a shift supervisor is
ongoing professional development. The selection process can be helpful in forming the basis
for long-range professional development.
Each facility should establish activities that promote the professional growth of the
shift supervisor. These activities should provide a means of career development to ensure that
shift supervisors remain motivated in their current assignments. They should also be provided
the opportunity to increase their contribution to the facility.
Good practices that can enhance professional growth include management by
objectives and individual development plans. These approaches link individual performance
to facility goals and can provide benefits to both the organization and the individual shift
Professional growth opportunities may be identified from sources such as facility
human resource groups or surveys of shift supervisors. Professional development activities
may include the following:
Working for short periods in a variety of functional areas in the facility nuclear
organization to broaden their perspective and understanding of overall plant functions
Expanding lead activities such as providing guidance to work groups and
Authoring operating procedures and other facility documentation
Assignment to the operations department's problem-solving and decision-making "task
Participating in operations committees (operations review committees, design review
groups, procedural review groups, etc.)
Participating actively in professional associations and operations-related workshops
Enrolling in company-funded college vocational/educational programs
Participating actively in professional organizations related to technical areas
Visiting other nuclear facilities to broaden their perspective and to simulate
comparison and emulation of good practices
Attending management courses
Obtaining membership in professional organizations [American Nuclear Society
(ANS), etc.].
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