| ![]() DOE-STD-1061-93
4.1 Subject Material and Depth
The subject material and depth to be covered in the continuing training program
should build on job experiences subsequent to the initial-training program and build on the
knowledge and skills that the individual gained during initial-training program. Further
emphasis should be placed on: occurrence reports, facility self-assessment, conduct of
operations, changes to applicable facility procedures and standards, changes to Technical
Safety Requirements, facility and industry operating experience, review of safety-related
material, abnormal and emergency procedures, etc.
4.2 Management Training
In addition to the supervisory skills training discussed in the initial-training program
section, the topics that follow should be considered for inclusion in the training program.
This guide divides the shift supervisor training into eleven modules:
Quality assurance and quality control
Facility security and emergency plans
Material storage
Facility modifications
Nuclear, industrial, and radiation safety
Interfacing with external groups and organizations
Public relations and news releases
Teamwork training
Diagnostic skills training.
4.2.1 Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC)
The purpose of this module is to enable the shift supervisor to effectively manage the
activities of their particular area of responsibility consistent with the facility's policies and
procedures regarding QA and QC. Training may include topics such as the following:
Corporate QA policies
Facility procedures for implementation of the policies
Appropriate regulatory requirements regarding QA and QC
Department-level QC responsibilities.
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