| DOE-STD-1063-2006
1. Facility Representatives should avoid interrupting operators in
their work. The Facility Representative should wait for
opportune times to deal with facility operators. If the Facility
Representative is observing operations or activities, the
Facility Representative should perform observations
unobtrusively. Operators carry the true burden of safety, and
a diversion from their duties could adversely affect plant
2. The Facility Representative should maintain frequent contact
with facility management. When Facility Representatives
observe something that raises a safety concern, they should
discuss their concerns with the facility management. If the
contractor response is deemed unsatisfactory, the Facility
Representative should discuss the concern with DOE line
management for appropriate action.
3. Facility Representatives should use established chains of
command for all requests for action, except when exercising
"Stop Work" authority.
4. Facility Representatives shall keep a record of their activities
and observations. Facility Representatives should periodically
review their records to determine if a systemic or recurring
problem exists with contractor activities at one or more
facilities. This record is subject to review in audits or
appraisals and may be used by the Field Element Manager as
a source of information for the contractor evaluation process.
Duties, Responsibilities, and Authorities of Other Key Personnel. Duties,
responsibilities, and authorities of other key personnel with respect to the
Facility Representative program are described below and in DOE M
231.1-2, Occurrence Reporting and Processing of Operations Information,
DOE O 5480.19, Conduct of Operations for DOE Facilities, and DOE M
411.1-1C, DOE Safety Management Functions, Responsibilities, and
Authorities Manual, and associated lower-tier functions and
responsibilities documents.
4.2.1 Deputy Secretary.
a. Establish DOE policy on Facility Representatives.
b. Resolve any cross-organizational disputes regarding Facility
c. Ensure the Facility Representative Program Manager and Cognizant
Secretarial Officers take actions necessary to consistently meet
program goals.
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