| DOE-STD-1063-2006
Representative shall "Stop Work" in the following instances, as a
Conditions exist that pose an imminent danger 1 to the health
and safety of workers or the public.
Conditions e xist, that if allowed to continue, could adversely
affect the safe operation of, or could cause serious damage to,
the facility.
Conditions exist, that if allowed to continue, could result in the
release, from the facility to the environment, of radiological or
chemical effluents that exceed regulatory limits.
Relationship of Facility Representative with DOE Managers. Facility
Representatives should periodically meet with line/program
managers within the field element and senior line managers within
the field element to provide information related to the assigned
facilities. If safety or operational concerns are not resolved to the
satisfaction of the Facility Representative, the Facility Representative
should elevate the concerns through the defined DOE management
hierarchy until an adequate resolution is obtained (see also Section
5.9). It is highly desirable that each Facility Representative only be
assigned facilities under a single line/program manager within the
field element and under a single Cogni zant Secretarial Officer. This
might not be practical at multi -program facilities, or when more than
one facility is involved.
Relationship of Facility Representative with Other DOE Oversight
Personnel. Descriptions of Senior Technical Safety Managers and
Safety System Oversight and their relationships to Facility
Representatives can be found in DOE M 426.1 -1A, Federal Technical
Capability Manual.
Relationship of Facility Representative with Operating Contractor .
Facility Representatives occupy a unique position in the transmission
of information between DOE and its contractors. Facility
Representatives should be able to communicate effectively with all
levels of the contractor organization. They should be familiar with the
contractor chain of command for facility operations. The Facility
Representative should always strive to work constructively and
effectively with contractor personnel to meet the shared goals of safe
and efficient facility operations, in accordance with relevant DOE and
contractual expectations. Facility Representatives should represent
DOE to the contractor and ensure the contractor carries out DOE
Any condition or practice such that a hazard exists that could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical
harm to employees (permanent or prolonged impairment of the body or temporary disablement or requiring
hospitalization), unless immediate actions are taken to mitigate the effects of the hazard and/or remove employees from
the hazard.
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