| ![]() DOE-STD-1066-99
13.1 General
Hazards unique to DOE and not addressed by mandatory codes and standards should be
protected by isolation, segregation or use of special control systems such as: inert gas,
explosion suppression, etc., as determined by the FHA and the AHJ. In addition, devices for
limiting or controlling the effects of a fire (relief valves, filters, blast walls, emergency shutdown
systems, scuppers, etc.) should be provided.
13.2 Plutonium Processing and Handling Facilities (PPHF)
Only hazardous gases or liquids that are necessary for a process should be used in PPHFs.
No natural gas for heating purposes should be used unless the heating occurs in a separate
building that is clearly isolated from the primary facility. Other flammable, explosive, corrosive,
or toxic gases or liquids that are necessary to the process should be handled under special
control and isolated to avoid releases or reactions that might cause injury to workers, the
public, or the environment. Those flammable gases that are necessary for a process should
be provided by a hard-piped system with the gas supply located outside of the facility in
cylinders rather than from large capacity sources so as to limit the total quantity available in
the event of a fire or explosion.
13.3 Plutonium Storage Facilities (PSF)
13.3.1 Combustible packaging materials should be stored in metal containers or structures
outside of a PSF in a location that should not endanger the storage facility or stored
material if a fire occurs in the packaging material. The need to provide automatic fire
suppression systems for these areas should be evaluated in the SAR.
13.3.2 Storage racks should be noncombustible and designed to securely hold storage
containers in place, ensure proper separation of storage containers, and maintain
structural integrity under both normal operations and during a fire.
13.4 Enriched Uranium Storage Facilities (EUSF)
Combustible packaging materials should be stored in metal containers or structures outside
of a UEUSF in a location that should not endanger the storage facility or stored material
should a fire occur in the packaging material. The need to provide automatic fire suppression
systems for these areas should be evaluated in the FHA and SAR.
13.5 Uranium Processing and Handling Facilities
13.5.1 The primary confinement system should be constructed of fire-resistant materials, and
the process equipment and process being confined should be designed to prevent or
minimize the probability of potential flammable or explosive conditions. Confinement
enclosures for flammable metals should be designed with self-contained fire
protection and extinguishing equipment; in some cases, inert atmospheres may be
desirable within the enclosures.
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