| ![]() DOE-STD-1066-99
13.5.2 The process should have ventilation that provides sufficient air movement around the
process area to prevent exposure of personnel to the hazardous liquid or vapor. The
design should incorporate roughing filters and/or other types of traps to remove
entrained organic liquid droplets from the process off-gas before the off-gas enters
the main ventilation ducting to prevent ventilation ducts from becoming coated with
the organic material, and thus, creating a fire hazard.
13.6 Reprocessing Facilities
To ensure the maintenance of the principal confinement systems within secondary
confinement, design features should include provisions for fire sprinklers, water fog, or other
suitable fire protection systems. This will provide rapid heat removal, reducing both the
pressurization of the process cell or canyon and loading of the ventilation system filters with
combustion products.
13.7 Uranium Conversion and Recovery Facilities
13.7.1 To the extent practical, the primary confinement system should be constructed of fire-
resistant materials, and the process equipment and process being confined should
be designed to prevent or minimize the probability of potential flammable or explosive
conditions. Confinement enclosures for flammable metals should be designed with
self-contained fire protection and extinguishing equipment; in some cases, inert
atmospheres may be desirable within the enclosures.
13.7.2 Physical isolation barriers should be designed for process areas that use hydrogen.
Pressurized hydrogen gas storage areas should be surrounded with fire-resistant
barriers. The pressurized hydrogen storage tanks should be capable of being
isolated from the distribution system using positive shutoff valves. The distribution
system should either be double-walled piped (pipe within a pipe) or have hydrogen
detectors located at strategic points, with the detector- activated capability of shutting
off hydrogen flow at the source.
13.7.3 Fire-resistant, physical isolation barriers should be designed for both the fluorine gas
storage area and process areas that use fluorine.
14.1 Purpose and Scope
14.1.1 Much of the information pertinent to fire protection for very high efficiency air cleaning
filter plenums for nuclear applications is contained in technical papers, limited
distribution reports, and job specifications that are often not readily available to DOE
designers, facility managers, and fire protection engineers. This section provides
personnel responsible for filter installations with practical fire protection guidelines for
nuclear air cleaning final filter plenums. Collectively, this section summarizes findings
from technical papers and job specifications currently used at DOE sites and
information obtained from filter manufacturers to provide the user with the "best"
methods and state of the art fire protection for protection of exhaust plenum final filter
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