| ![]() DOE-STD-1066-99
14.3.2 Final Filter Plenums Located in Separate Building Separate buildings which house filter plenums should be of minimum 2-hour
fire rated construction when located less than 5 feet (1.5 meters) from an
adjacent building. Filter plenum housing should be a minimum of 1-hour fire rated construction
when located more than 5 feet (1.5 meters), but not more than 20 feet (6.1
meters) from an adjacent building. Filter plenum housing located greater than 20 feet (6.1 meters) from an
adjacent noncombustible building may be of unprotected noncombustible
construction provided that no unprotected openings occur in the adjacent
building. Filter plenum housings need not be fire-rated or separated from an adjacent
building if the adjacent building wall is of minimum 2-hour fire-rated
construction with no unprotected openings.
14.3.3 Filter Plenums Located Near Combustible/Flammable Liquids
Filter plenums located near combustible or flammable liquid storage buildings or tanks should
be located not less than 50 feet away from the buildings or tanks and be housed in minimum
2-hour fire rated construction.
14.3.4 Small Filter Plenums
Small filter plenums that serve as a final filter and have a leading surface area of 16 square
feet (1.4 square meters) or less need not be separated by fire rated construction from other
parts of a building or be located in a separate fire rated enclosure if the filter plenum is
located in a building provided with an automatic fire sprinkler system, designed and installed
in accordance with NFPA 13, and the filter plenum is provided with an automatic water spray
system as described herein.
14.3.5 Existing Plenums
Plenums that have already been built and are in service before issuance of these guidelines
are not required to be upgraded with a fire-rated enclosure or minimum separation distance
unless there is a significant hazard that endangers building occupants, the public, or the
environment, as determined by an FHA per DOE Orders or is required by the AHJ.
14.4 Protection of Openings in Fire Rated Construction
Fire protection features should be designed to maintain the integrity of containment systems
as reflected in the SAR.
14.4.1 Ratings for Doors Door openings into 2-hour rated filter plenum housings should be
1 1/2-hour minimum fire-rated.
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