| ![]() DOE-STD-1066-99 Door openings into 1-hour rated filter plenum housings should be 3/4-hour
minimum fire-rated.
14.4.2 Fire Damper Ratings Listed 1 1/2-hour fire rated dampers should be installed where ventilation
ducts, not required to continuously function as part of a confinement system,
penetrate 2-hour fire rated construction. Fire dampers are not required when ducting penetrates 1-hour fire rated
construction. The duct should pass through the wall and extend into the
area to be considered. The areas on either side of the wall should be
completely protected by automatic sprinklers in order to eliminate the
dampers. Transfer grills and other similar openings without ducting should
be provided with an approved damper. Fire dampers in duct work should not be utilized when penetrating the fire
rated construction where the ducting is an integral part of the nuclear air
filter system equipment that is required to continuously function as part of
the confinement system. Such duct material penetrating fire rated
construction without fire dampers should:
o be made part of that fire-rated construction by either wrapping,
spraying, or enclosing the duct with an approved material, or by other
means of separating the duct material from other parts of the building
with equivalent required fire-rated construction; or
o be qualified by an engineering analysis for a 2-hour fire-rated exposure
to the duct at the penetration location where the duct
integrity at the duct penetration with no flame penetration through the
fire wall after a 2-hour fire exposure. (See Appendix D for a discussion
of this type of analysis.)
Dampers in the air cleaning system for the purpose of controlling pressure,
direction, or volume of air flow and for isolation of filters during change out
or inspection are permitted in the ventilation system.
Other Penetrations and Openings in Fire-Rated Enclosures
All mechanical and electrical penetrations made into fire-rated plenum enclosures should
be fire stopped by listed materials meeting the requirements of ASTM E-814 with a fire
rating not less than the rated enclosure.
14.5 Materials and Special Hazards Inside Plenums
Combustibles Located Inside Filter Plenum Enclosures
Filter plenum enclosures should only be used for ventilation control equipment. The
storage and accumulation of combustible materials as well as combustible and flammable
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